How many children, over how many generations, have dreamed of exploring the wonders beneath the seas? And how many of those children have gone upon a thrilling sea-faring adventure with Captain Nemo thanks to the 1870 Jules Verne novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?
Copies of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea have been added to the CheerUp.Fun September Free eBook Library. The first 100 people to sign up should receive a free copy added to their Kindle Library. To sign up, click this link, and follow the prompts at the Amazon page. Once you have joined the CheerUp.Fun September Free eBook Library, as recommended books are selected and shared during the month, they will be added to your Kindle Library.
You can change your settings / leave the Library at any time through your Amazon account. You will find books under the Manage Content / Devices Option, on your Content Tab, and the settings tab has a section for "Change your Whispercast Membership". Next to Organization Cheerup.Fun are options to change device or opt-out.
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