There is, quite genuinely, no limit to the amazing things books can do, and places they can take us. Here is a book that truly allows the reader to time travel, transporting us back in time to 2005, and Hurricane Katrina.
With Hurricane Harvey, and it’s recent headline making landfall in Texas and Louisiana, it can be heartening to remind ourselves that we have been here, done this before. It is never easy, and time and again there are stories that open our eyes and our hearts, perhaps as never before… but the amazing thing each time is how the communities rally together, the people across the country help one another, and stories come out of survival – or people finding reason to smile, and rejoice at having made it through the storm.
Orphans of Katrina: Inside the World’s Biggest Animal Rescue is a sad book, with photos of a Katrina ravaged city, and featuring the first hand account of a rescuer who openly admits that for the folks doing that job “Our Hearts Were Broken a Hundred Times A Day.” That being said, it is full of simple, raw and honest advice that would make such missions after a natural disaster… easier simply is not the word, but more manageable. Recommendations like the importance and value of a collar and microchip… a microchip that is kept up to date with current contact information. Unlike a child, a pet can not be asked what their parent’s phone number is, or if they know what direction they last saw their loved one going in.

If you are a pet owner, who lives in an area at risk for any kind of event that might lead to evacuation… you may find some very useful advice in here! I am not sure what I was expecting when I first glanced at this book… I admittedly had the most recent hurricane on the brain, and when it came up in the search engine it felt timely. But seeing a section pointing out how important simply leaving accessible fresh water for your pet should you evacuate with out them, instead of relying on their access to the toilet or bathtub with a dripping faucet, as public water may become contaminated left me with a fresh appreciation for the great many details I have never considered.
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