The more I work on this project of selecting a book a day to share with others, the more I find myself encountering books that countless people have referenced to me, and yet when I’ve asked them “Was it a good read?” they have sheepishly admitted they have never actually read it, but they know all about it. Whether it is because they learned about it in school, heard about it from friends, read an article about it somewhere that referred to it so extensively they felt that had gotten the meat of the book within the article, or through some other means they felt the bulk of the content had been imparted to them, the fact remains that often we have had so much contact with the byproducts of a work that we do not always know whether or not we have gone back to the well, and had a first hand interaction with the source itself.
For me, the Art of War, a deceptively short read it turns out, is such a work. I have heard it referred to so many times over the years that I feel as though I must have heard every portion of it, though undoubtedly out of context, and in odd fragments, and yet I know I have not paid a visit to this particular well — until now.
Copies of the Art of War have been added to the current CheerUp.Fun Free eBook Library. The first 100 people to sign up (new library as of Nov 1) should receive a free copy added to their Kindle Library. To sign up, click this link, and follow the prompts at the Amazon page. Once you have joined the CheerUp.Fun Free eBook Library, as recommended books are selected and shared during the month, they will be added to your Kindle Library.
You can change your settings / leave the Library at any time through your Amazon account. You will find books under the Manage Content / Devices Option, on your Content Tab, and the settings tab has a section for "Change your Whispercast Membership". Next to Organization Cheerup.Fun are options to change device or opt-out.
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