One of those interesting lines that differentiates generations in modern America, is between those who recall their friends and peers going to Cuba on their Honeymoon “before the Crisis” and those who thought Cuba would likely never be open to Americans, because it had been closed since before they were born.
Between those who lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Bay of Pigs, and those who learned about it in school. (An undoubtedly evolving curriculum as more information becomes available as more time separates us from the events, and the classified and sensitive nature of details pertaining to those events.)
Do you recall hearing the news Americans could once again go to Cuba? Do you recall how you felt when you heard the news? Were you surprised it took so long for Cuba to be re-opened? Were you amazed it was opened for the first time in your life? Had you never considered whether or not Americans would or could go there, because none had gone in your life?
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