A challenge to his readers, to the people of a still somewhat young America, Henry David Thoreau‘s Civil Disobedience, written in 1849 called upon those who would listen to let their government know how they felt, and what they wanted, not through violence or uprisings, but through Civil Disobedience. One of his more interesting arguments might be summed up in current terms as “vote with your pocket books.” In his case, he was opposed to paying his property tax, not wanting to support his State, or the government thereof, which he felt was not meetings either the needs, or demands, of those it governed. He had strong opinions on the topics of the time, Slavery, and the Mexican-American War, and by the tone of this essay, sounds confident his fellow citizens likewise have opinions, likely strong ones as well, but are in need of a way to make them known to those in a position to use that information, and hopefully act on it.
While not an easy read, written in the style of the mid-1800s, this is something many of us read in school, and there is a reason. This short read will hopefully inspire thought, not just about the time and world in which Henry David Thoreau lived, but the times in which we are living, and how we can act, and what we can do, to create the world in which we want to live.

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